Saturday, November 6, 2010

Shopping Spree:D

Acticity 2 for Week2 is to go on a shopping spree with an imaginary $500 on various shopping websites, mainly ebay, and yahoo auctions. But I went to ebay and only because there were some problems with yahoo auctions. Listed below are some of the items that caught my attention.

These are cake and cookie pans which are really cute.(: I would want to own these but you can't really find them in Singapore. So maybe it's good that there are shopping websites. I was so tempted to purchase them but decided not to. They are quite reasonably priced, ranging from $7 to $34.

This is a bugs cake pan from I think it's really cute. It's also the most expensive, $34. But there are 8 different kinds of bugs so it's quite worth it.

This is also a cake pan from But it's cars. Really cute too. I would probably use these to bake cakes for my nephew since he likes cars. This is around $23.

This is obviously a jack-o-lantern mini cake pan also from It costs around $7. Would be great for Halloween, which just passed.  

This is a cookie pan with moulds shaped like a soccerball. It's from and costs about $22.50. 

All that probably cost about $100. With $400 left, I searched for video games for Wii. apart from playing band hero on Wii, i also like playing racing games. The games for Wii cost about $70 each from shops around singapore. It can be quite costsly since you would probably buy more than one game. But you can find cheaper games on ebay.

I've read abit about this particular game and if i'm not wrong this game features some of Singapore's landmarks like the Esplanade. As you can see in the picture, the original brand new game from shops would cost around $60 but you can find it for only $40 on ebay! 

If you read my previous post you would know that i enjoy watching formula one races. So, it's only natural for me to want to buy this formula one video game. Currently, i only own this game for the PSP and not for Wii. And it's really cool because there's the steering wheel too. Found it on ebay too for about $125 which is quite expensive.

Okay, this is just adorable. It's an inflatable kart with steering wheel to be used with Wii. You can use it to play racing/driving games. It's around $70 from shops but it's $62 on ebay.

Okay, with the remaining amount of money, i decided to look for books. Found some Little Black Dress books on ebay which i think you can't find in Singapore yet. It costs $37 for 8 books which i think is really cheap. I can't wait to buy it for real though it wouldn't be this cheap.

While i was shopping, i realised that even though ebay and are both shopping websites, they have some differences. Ebay is a collection of many individual sellers, like you and me, while is a collection of different websites and online stores, like ebay and But even with this difference, i guess both serve the same purpose that is to provide the users of the websites the ease and convenience of shopping at one website. Okay, this is all for week2. Looking forward to the next lesson on tuesday(:

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